Affordable Housing & Homelessness

Like too many Californians, I know what it’s like to be without a safe place to call home — struggling to find stable housing after fleeing an abusive marriage. I know that at its core, homelessness is a housing issue. 

Survivors of intimate partner violence, teens who have been kicked out of their home, parents who just can’t pay the rent, workers who get laid off from the assembly line, people who just have a stroke of bad luck: they’re now ending up on our streets. 

Meanwhile, in California today, there is virtually no city or town where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a decent, two-bedroom apartment. 

I believe it’s high time we make housing a human right.

I have been a voice for renters, working people, and unhoused people in the House — and I will be their strong advocate in the Senate. I will continue to push for a comprehensive policy that guarantees dignified, affordable housing for all: 

Investing In Affordable Housing

Supporting Renters

An All-Sides Homelessness Approach

I will fight to pass the Ending Homelessness Act of 2023, which will make the Housing Choice Voucher program a federal entitlement, end renter discrimination, invest in outreach and case management, and put $10 billion into permanent affordable housing.

First-Term Policy Pillars