A Champion for Justice

Support Barbara Lee for Senate

Barbara Lee

Barbara Lee has been fighting for justice from the very start. From joining forces with the NAACP to become her high school’s first Black cheerleader to standing her ground as the only member of Congress who voted against giving the president unlimited war powers after 9/11, she never backs down from fighting for what’s right. She’ll be the only Black woman in the U.S. Senate and is the experienced, accomplished progressive fighter Californians need now. That’s why people across California and the nation say, Barbara Lee Speaks for Me.

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Fighting for What's Right

Barbara understands our struggles because she’s lived them. They have made Barbara who she is and shaped her career as one of Congress’s most outspoken champions of justice and advocates for the underserved.

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Barbara’s campaign has been endorsed by progressive leaders we trust.

Barbara Lee's campaign launch rally

Rob Bonta

California State Attorney General

Malia Cohen

California State Controller

Fiona Ma

California State Treasurer

Tony Thurmond

California State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Dr. Shirley Weber

California Secretary of State

Ricardo Lara

California Insurance Commissioner

Sally Lieber

California State Board of Equalization

Dolores Huerta

Co-Founder, United Farm Workers

Mark DeSaulnier

U.S. House of Representatives (CA-10)

Sydney Kamlager-Dove

U.S. House of Representatives (CA-37)

Ro Khanna

U.S. House of Representatives (CA-17)

Maxine Waters

U.S. House of Representatives (CA-43)

Anna Caballero

California State Senate

Susan Eggman

California State Senate

Nancy Skinner

California State Senate

Lola Smallwood Cuevas

California State Senate

Karen Bass

Mayor, City of Los Angeles

London Breed

Mayor, City & County of San Francisco

Ulises Cabrera

Mayor, City of Moreno Valley

Helen Tran

Mayor, City of San Bernardino

Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club

California Labor Federation

California Legislative Black Caucus

California Working Families Party

Gen Z for Change

Harvey Milk Democratic Club

Los Angeles County Labor Federation

McClatchy Newspapers

Our Revolution

Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL)

Peace Action

Progressive Democrats of America

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Barbara Lee releases statement on election results

Following the Associated Press calling Representative Adam Schiff and Steve Garvey making the top two in the primary and special election, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement.

  • Press Releases

Barbara Lee takes another stand

She’s a Black progressive from Oakland who has voted on her principles, carving out space for others to follow. Can she convince Californians to send her to the Senate?

  • 19th News
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