• Press Releases

Largest political organization in Culver City endorses Barbara Lee for U.S. Senate

The campaign to elect Congresswoman Barbara Lee to the U.S. Senate got a big boost today, as the Culver City Democratic Club announced its endorsement of the Congresswoman’s campaign.

“The Culver City Democratic Club enthusiastically endorses Congresswoman Barbara Lee,” said Culver City Democratic Club President Jeff Schwartz. “As Culver City’s oldest and largest political organization, we take very seriously our responsibility to identify and endorse the most effective progressive, and that is clearly Barbara Lee. From her inspiring work on behalf of peace to her consistent championing of our progressive values, the members of the Culver City Democratic Club are excited to join those saying ‘Barbara Lee speaks for me!’” 

The endorsement – from the oldest and largest political organization in Culver City – is significant for the Northern California Congresswoman, and demonstrates that her career of progressive accomplishments resonates with progressives throughout the state. 

“I am very proud to have received the support of the Culver City Democratic Club,” said Congresswoman Lee. “This Club has played an important role in creating a more progressive future for Culver City, and I am very excited to work with them to bring more economic, climate and racial justice to all of California.”